Wednesday, April 18, 2007

More trouble for blogs

In reference to this article on Wired:
There are a few things that should be said. First off, why is it that people think just because it is written down and lots of people can read it, then it must be true? I mean, that article is about a person people just speculated was the shooter. How does that even happen? Who came up with that in the first place? I understand that the nature of people is to speculate, but for people to start a rumor that the killer had a blog and then for it to turn out that it wasn't even the right guy, is potentially harmful. People can see this all the time when tabloids or magazines have covers claiming this or that bassed solely on a picture. A picture may say a thousnad words but that means nothing when the whole story can tell a billion words.
Unfortunatly, in the days of Myspace and Facebook, everyone is vulnerable. However, if I know that my professors or my parents or my boss can go on facebook and at least see my picture, then I am going to make sure not to put a picture of me naked in a pool of jello fighting wrestling a monkey. For those people who put inappropriate pictures online and then says that it is unfair when they lose a job because their boss sees it, I have no pity for you. You don't put anything online that you wouldn't want everyone to see. So while I believe that it was wrong for people to speculate about the blog of the guy with the guns, I think something like that is just a coincidence that got blown out of proportion. It is a shame that he was blamed but he seems to not be too harmed about it and wants to do good with making sure money goes to charity.
The point is that if a person has something that they don't want people to see, then they are dumb. Everyone knows that the internet is accesable to millions of people. I am not concerened about how I represent mysef online on sites like facebook or even in this blog because I make sure not to put items in facebook or this blog that I wouldn't tell my parents, my friends, or my boss.

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