Monday, May 28, 2007

Campaign Blogs

I just went to this website
and looked at the canidates for the presidential elections. I then went to this website and looked at Chiss Dodd's "blog". I have to say first that I don't honestly know if I would ever use something like this to track any of the canidates. I think that what people are trying to do is to appeal to a younger generation through technology and blogs. I don't know whether it will work or not but I am sure that it will attract some younger adults.
I looked at a couple of Chris Dodd's other websites that were linked through the earlier website. I did find one that claimed to have his blog but it was obviously not him who was doing the writing...unless he speaks in third person. I feel like if canidates are going to have a website and a blog then they really should be the ones writing them. Enough people already think that politicians are just drones who have things scrpited out for them. We already have a president that (can barely) read his cues so it would be nice to have one that can think for themselves!

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